At the beginning of the year, my college changed the timetable layout from what it had been the year before. So we now have these stupid one-hour lessons with massive breaks between them and our other lessons. Then it took them FIVE tries to get my timetable right- they kept missing off lessons and getting the times mixed up, so I ended up with four wrong timetabnles before I finally got a correct one.
Then my politics teacher became ill, but did they tell us? No. They left us without a teacher for nearly two months, and then the substitute doesn't follow the lesson plans and goes of on a tangent about Glasgow (she's Scottish), her son, or her son's mother-in-law.
And the woman who was supposed to be overseeing my UCAS application left it until a month after I had sent the application before adding my reference. A month! And she didn't even start it until I went and yelled at her on the month anniversary of having sent it off, to which she made up some lame excuse about the woman in the exams office (I know for a fact that there is more than one member of staff in the exams office, because me and half the college went to yell at them today for reasons outlined below)
And today, they mucked up my statement of entry for exams, and didn't give me the timetable for politics at all. AND they expect us to do the exams in some community centre on the other side of the city instead of in college itself or, like last year, in the school up the road. So, after queueing for about 30 minutes to get a stupid incorrect piece of paper, I had to go to the exams office on the other side of the college to patiently complain about the politics thing, along with half of the college also complaining about mistakes (a friend of mine found that she'd been given the timetable for the AS politics exam, eventhough she's not resitting them and she gave up politics earlier this year) After all this, I'm going to double check the exam times and dates with my tutors- I don't trust college anymore.
The student bank account thing was great though. The woman I spoke to patiently explained everything to me, that I only needed to upgrade my current under 19's account and not open a new one, and gave me a very informative leaflet. Okay, so I had to wait for about half an hour, and got annoyed at a couple of girls who queue-jumped me (but forgave them after overhearing that one of them thought she was a victim of fraud) but they were so helpful and friendly, unlike the surly staff at college.
So yeah, not a good day so far. I'm now going to spend my evening 'doing Psychology revision' and singing along to the Evita soundtrack
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
WORRY NUMBER ONE- Okay, so after my Psychology lesson today, I'm going to go pick up my statement of entry (basically my exam timetable) from the sixth form centre. It just serves to remind me that my exams are looming and I probably haven't done as much revision as I perhaps should have.
WORRY NUMBER TWO- After I've picked up my statement of entry, I'm going to the bank to ask about their student accounts. This worry probably falls under several subcategories, such as money worries, uni worries and future worries (not to mention the pointless-excursion-to-my-bank-because-I-haven't-done-the-loans-form-yet worry, and the it's-my-own-fault-for-being-lazy worry)
Other than this, I'm perfectly happy. Well, my wrist hurts after a mock exam in English (two hours writing off-the-point drivel about Hamlet and transcripts), which my friend decided to skip because she got paid today and she wanted to go shopping (damn her. Although yesterday she promised to buy me 'something pretty'- whether she actually will or not, we shall see tomorrow)
Anyway, only a minute to go before my Psychology lesson (a pointless hour of talking about cultural differences or something) If I have anything interesting to recount later (such as what will possibly be an interesting conversation at the bank, seeing as I don't understand anything to do with loans, interests, bank accounts or indeed money, apart from that it apparantly buys happiness) then I will post another blog, but if not, til next time :)
WORRY NUMBER TWO- After I've picked up my statement of entry, I'm going to the bank to ask about their student accounts. This worry probably falls under several subcategories, such as money worries, uni worries and future worries (not to mention the pointless-excursion-to-my-bank-because-I-haven't-done-the-loans-form-yet worry, and the it's-my-own-fault-for-being-lazy worry)
Other than this, I'm perfectly happy. Well, my wrist hurts after a mock exam in English (two hours writing off-the-point drivel about Hamlet and transcripts), which my friend decided to skip because she got paid today and she wanted to go shopping (damn her. Although yesterday she promised to buy me 'something pretty'- whether she actually will or not, we shall see tomorrow)
Anyway, only a minute to go before my Psychology lesson (a pointless hour of talking about cultural differences or something) If I have anything interesting to recount later (such as what will possibly be an interesting conversation at the bank, seeing as I don't understand anything to do with loans, interests, bank accounts or indeed money, apart from that it apparantly buys happiness) then I will post another blog, but if not, til next time :)
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
The pain of adulthood
Currently, I am revising for my upcoming A level exams (well, not currently as in right at this moment, as right at this moment I'm writing this, but you know what I mean). I'm also desparately putting off sorting out my finance form for university, which I know I really shouldn't do (but I'm lax on things like that). I need to sort out whether I need a student bank account, I need to find a job, I need to get good grades for uni and not spend all my time watching anime, but revising instead. I am now legally entitled to vote, which freaks me out as I feel I have the future of the country in my hands (every votes counts).
Why is growing up so difficult? Back in the olden days, girls my age didn't have to worry about education or getting jobs or even worry about money. Men did everything. And I am by no means anti-feminist, but wouldn't life just be so much easier if your mother would do everything for you like mothers in the past used to?
These days, we are supposed to be independent, doing things for ourselves and not constantly running to our parents for help. But as each day passes, I feel more and more like I can't do this on my own anymore. And yet I dare not ask my parents for help, as I feel they would be disappointed as I'm supposed to be the reliable one who goes ot uni and achieves great things (as opposed to my sister, bless her, who didn't do great in her A levels and who has applied for an open university course in archaeology. She is happiest sitting in a muddy hole in the ground poking at slightly discoloured soil with increasing excitement. Nothing could be worse, in my opinion)
But anyway, I'm off the point. When you're kids, life is a toybox. I remember being seven years old, sitting on my bedroom floor surrounded by a menagerie of plastic animals in varying sizes, and my greatest worry was whether the horses would be safe standing next to the lions (although in my inaccurate representations, the horses far outsized the lions and could have so taken them on). Nowadays horses and lions are the last things on my mind, apart from the horses dragging me speedily through my life by my heels, and the lions of worry snapping at my mind. Life was so much simpler as a kid, drowing my sister's Barbies in the garden pond and eating play-dough. They never tell kids how tough it will be in the future.
But I don't see the point in complaining about getting old, either. Somebody I knew at high school was killed in an accident a couple of years ago, and he was only my age at time, and the same year, my sister's best friend died of illness (she was about 18 at the time). It made me think that, to all those people muttering about loosening skin and death, that getting old isn't a dreaded inevitablity, but the greatest achievement. You're only young once, and you're never old twice.
And hello to my TSR friends, who have been introduced to this sorry excuse for a blog =P
Why is growing up so difficult? Back in the olden days, girls my age didn't have to worry about education or getting jobs or even worry about money. Men did everything. And I am by no means anti-feminist, but wouldn't life just be so much easier if your mother would do everything for you like mothers in the past used to?
These days, we are supposed to be independent, doing things for ourselves and not constantly running to our parents for help. But as each day passes, I feel more and more like I can't do this on my own anymore. And yet I dare not ask my parents for help, as I feel they would be disappointed as I'm supposed to be the reliable one who goes ot uni and achieves great things (as opposed to my sister, bless her, who didn't do great in her A levels and who has applied for an open university course in archaeology. She is happiest sitting in a muddy hole in the ground poking at slightly discoloured soil with increasing excitement. Nothing could be worse, in my opinion)
But anyway, I'm off the point. When you're kids, life is a toybox. I remember being seven years old, sitting on my bedroom floor surrounded by a menagerie of plastic animals in varying sizes, and my greatest worry was whether the horses would be safe standing next to the lions (although in my inaccurate representations, the horses far outsized the lions and could have so taken them on). Nowadays horses and lions are the last things on my mind, apart from the horses dragging me speedily through my life by my heels, and the lions of worry snapping at my mind. Life was so much simpler as a kid, drowing my sister's Barbies in the garden pond and eating play-dough. They never tell kids how tough it will be in the future.
But I don't see the point in complaining about getting old, either. Somebody I knew at high school was killed in an accident a couple of years ago, and he was only my age at time, and the same year, my sister's best friend died of illness (she was about 18 at the time). It made me think that, to all those people muttering about loosening skin and death, that getting old isn't a dreaded inevitablity, but the greatest achievement. You're only young once, and you're never old twice.
And hello to my TSR friends, who have been introduced to this sorry excuse for a blog =P
Monday, 28 April 2008
Well! Not two hours after I posted about Eva Peron earlier tonight, the BBC publish a story on their website about Isabel Peron, who married Juan Peron some years after Eva's death. You can read the story by following the link at the bottom of this post. I really can't get away from the Perons!
High Flying, Adored

I recently read a book called Santa Evita by Tomas Eloy Martinez, which is about the life (or rather, the story of the embalmed body) of Eva Peron, otherwise known as Evita. I have rarely read a book so intense and profound. Since I finished it, I am trying my hardest to find out as much about her life as I possibly can. I went into Waterstone's today to see if they had any books about her, but pretty much all of them went out of circulation in 1996 or 1997. I have a couple of books, which I got off my mother, but if I want any more then I will have to find them online.
Evita is a trap. Once you've touched a part of her life, even for a moment, she will consume you. Since I started reading Santa Evita, she has been standing in a corner of my mind, demanding, as she did in life, love and attention. But she is also an enigma, a shadow slipping through my fingers. When I turn to look at her she hides away again. She beckons me to her, while running away. She calls for me to follow, and to stay away, in the same breath.
Well. Maybe that's just me. It's unlikely that everyone who reads about Evita will have the same reaction as me- I know my mother didn't. I am planning on writing something about her- maybe a short story or something about her life, and when I have, I shall post it here.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Cooro of the Rebellion
My first anime post. There will be many more of these, trust me.

I want to watch the first subbed episode of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion season 2, but for two things: 1) I'm supposed to be doing revision for my Psychology resit, and 2) The streaming site I use is having connection problems :(

I want to watch the first subbed episode of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion season 2, but for two things: 1) I'm supposed to be doing revision for my Psychology resit, and 2) The streaming site I use is having connection problems :(
I was kind of apprehensive about Code Geass. For anybody who knows me, they will know that my anime tastes do not tend to include mecha. But Code Geass had me hooked after the second episode, and I finished the first series in less than a week.
I guess I like Lelouch as an anti-hero protagonist. You don't find that much these days. Anime-Planet, the site me and everyone else in the TSR anime society use to keep track of what anime we've seen, are watching, or are going to watch (you expect us to remember those titles? Well, AJ maybe, but the rest of us?) only has three series listed under 'Anti-Hero': Code Geass, Code Geass R2, and Death Note. And Ichigo from Bleach is supposed to be an anti-hero, though I think that's probably more Hichigo than Ichigo.... So anti-heroes are pretty rare. You don't often find them in books, but you do in films quite a lot of the time. It certainly makes a nice change to have one in an anime.
Well, this is new.
I've had blogs before, but never one like this. Normally I have to add the pages myself, sort out the backgrounds and stuff....argh. It's a nightmare. So I thought I'd get a new one. Look. See it's newness.
Basically this blog will be a selection of my random thoughts (pretty much as they come to me), books I'm reading, anecdotes or quotes I hear that day, my current anime watchings, my creative writings (or other people's, though with permission and I'll give them the credit)...basically anything that's on my mind at the time.
So yes. Please enjoy my blog, although I doubt many people will read it. My following posts probably won't be this articulate (like I said, random thoughts). But I hope that I will have at least a couple faithful readers (and I am hoping to update this as often as I can).
So yes, welcome to Cooro's Blogg. I hope you enjoy it in the posts to come.
Cooro xx
Basically this blog will be a selection of my random thoughts (pretty much as they come to me), books I'm reading, anecdotes or quotes I hear that day, my current anime watchings, my creative writings (or other people's, though with permission and I'll give them the credit)...basically anything that's on my mind at the time.
So yes. Please enjoy my blog, although I doubt many people will read it. My following posts probably won't be this articulate (like I said, random thoughts). But I hope that I will have at least a couple faithful readers (and I am hoping to update this as often as I can).
So yes, welcome to Cooro's Blogg. I hope you enjoy it in the posts to come.
Cooro xx
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