Thursday, 5 June 2008

It's been a while, blog!

Hello blog! It's been a while. Stupid revision takes up all the time in the day that could be better spent reading MaryJanice Davidson's Undead series or catching up on Code Geass R2.


It's Big Brother time again. Whoopee. I spent the launch show watching House.

See, I hate Big Brother. Absolutely hate it. My mother would shoot me for saying that, but I don't care. Her watching it means I can't record Heroes (we have Sky+ but she was recording House for herself) so I shall say what I like about the worse thing ever to come out of Holland- Big Brother.

Why do people watch it? It's just so.... shallow. My mother tried to explain it in terms of psychological validity, thinking that me and my psychology student-ness would become interested and give her someone in the house to talk to about BB. She says that it's interesting from a psychological point of view as it gives us the opportunity to study human behaviour in that sort of environment.

Two problems with that. One, if it was a psychology experiment, it would be banned for ethical reasons. But because it's on TV it's apparantly okay to submit people, however irritating they might be, to demeaning tasks and constant observation of every little thing they do. Second, people don't act naturally in a situation like that. They are well aware there are cameras everywhere. So they act to that. In psychology it's called demand characteristics. In layman's terms, it's called playing to the camera. So how can you observe human behaviour when it's carefully calculated by the contesents to boost their own popularity. I mean, there was that guy last year who acted completely thickly throughout the whole series, but was apparantly pretty bright. He just acted that way because he knew it would make him popular. And it did. He won, I believe. Brian somebody (I get told this stuff by my mother, whether I want to hear it or not)

Anyway, before I get into a total anti-BB rant, I shall finish here. I am watching Mock the Week, after which I will go to bed, as I have an exam tomorrow. Yay...

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