Sunday, 11 May 2008

Current news from Cooro TV

Well. Sort of.

I was checking up on the status of my video (the Evita one) and apparantly it's been linked to Yahoo and Google video searches. Um, hello? Did I give permission for that? No I did not.

Do I care? Not really.

In fact, I'm putting a link on the bottom of this page to see if it says that I've linked to it here. It probably won't, but it's worth a shot.

I also found out that my video has been viewed so far in 10 countries. How cool is that? It listed the countries as: The USA, UK, Argentina, Romania, Japan, Peru, Norway, Italy, Brazil and Colombia. Eclectic, to say the least, but I think that's quite an achievement.

In other news... Hmm. I have no other news, apart from the fact that I've been pretty unwell over this weekend (I get like that in summer, it's one of the reasons why I hate this accursed season). Might also have something to do with stress, who knows? My first exam is this coming Friday, so it could well be that.

And the finance form still isn't done (I know, it's getting late) Actually, I'm aiming to have it finished and sent off by Friday. This is mostly because I want to get it done and out of the way, and also because my mother has threatened to throttle me if I don't get it done soon.

No news on the cat front, but I keep leaving the 'Owning a Cat' book I'm currently reading around the place to remind my parents. I think they're getting tired of that, to be honest.

The book is fascinating, though. Even if there wasn't a possibility of us getting a cat, it's a pretty good read. Did you know, for example, that if your cat gets scared by fireworks going off, you're not supposed to comfort it? This only reinforces it's negative behaviour (i.e. the fear response) and it becomes... well, a scaredy-cat, just because it wants the attention. I think in psychology we call it operant conditioning (although it's kind of negative, in this sense.)

Right, mock exam tomorrow (English, bleh) so I'd better revise. It's not exactly easy, this paper. A week before the exam we get a booklet with about five or six different texts in, all on a particular theme (in the past they've had themes like the sea, food, mirrors, journeys etc) The texts themselves are things like poems, book extracts, labels from packets, whatever. For our mock, we've got the food one, and we've only got this weekend (well, the rest of today, really) to prepare it in. Have I done anything? Nope. Well, I started looking at an article which says that food and fatness is really a socialist issue (I'm looking at that in terms of Marxism) but other than that, I've done jack on this work.

I'm so looking forward to this exam.

Sarcasm is difficult to get across in typing.

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