Came across this article in the paper today: http://http//,,2279357,00.html
Basically, people are making pasties out of squirrels. Like, ew. Who could eat a squirrel?
My mother's reasoning (in fact, the reasoning of all my family as I seem to be the only one against this) is that you eat rabbit, why not squirrel. Yeah, but for one thing, rabbits are bred for that purpose, and for another, they're not as disease-ridden. Or as cute.
Seriously, how can you look at this :

and then EAT one??! I never could. I don't understand why I'm so against it, though. I mean, I've eaten beef, lamb, pork, chicken, duck, quail, turkey, pigeon, kangaroo, crocodile, shark, rabbit, venison (deer) and ostrich. I am therefore definitely NOT a vegitarian.
Bu why wouldn't I eat squirrel? It makes no sense to me. I have already proven that I'm not opposed to eating fluffy animals, so why not squirrels? When I am normally up for trying anything once, why not squirrel pasties?
The answer lies in my childhood.
Ever read The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin? Would you eat squirrel Nutkin? So, you would not. It's just mean.
Also, I see squirrels pratically every day on my way to and from college. They hand out in the trees on the side of the road, looking cute and frolicking. I have never, so far, seen a cow gallavanting around the city. Or a chicken. I see rabbits, now and then, but then, I've only eaten rabbit once, and at that time my parents told me it was my pet rabbit I was eating. I believed them until I looked out of the window and saw Nibbles still hopping round the rabbit run, happy as can be.
My parents are cruel.
Anyway, let's put my squirrel pasty indignation aside for now. I want to talk about anime.
While I was in the city today, I saw several people who are sporting what I would describe as 'anime hair'. I kid you not. There was a woman who has curly purple hair, kind of like Cornelia from Code Geass, someone with C.C. hair (also Code Geass, although it was slightly shorter than C.C.'s hair), someone with Hatsuharu hair (Fruits Basket, although since he didn't have the black roots it might be more accurate to describe him as Toushiro from Bleach) and so on. It's ridiculous. Anime hair belongs on anime characters, except when cosplaying. Only the characters themselves can pull it off.
Take, for example, Sasuke's hair, from Naruto. Nice spikes and all, but someone I knew at high school tried to copy the look somewhat (I wasn't into anime as much back then, only Fruits Basket, InuYasha and D.N.Angel) but really, gravity-defying hairstyles can only be pulled off by animated characters. I'm sure there are even more gravity-defying hairstyles in other anime and manga (Dragonball comes to mind, although I haven't seen it).
Hmm, politics in 15 minutes. my substitute teacher left on Friday, which, considering that we have exams coming up, isn't really very smart of her. We have our original teacher back now, for the last two or three weeks of college, and we haven't had her since about October last year. It's ridiculous how these people are treating us. If I fail my politics exam I am so writing to the UEA to blame it on my teachers.
Speaking of the exams, I still haven't heard about the stupid politics thing. I was told I'd get a letter, but if there isn't one waiting for me when I get home today, I'm going to go to the exams office and yell at them some more.
Right, time to go to politics and dream of watching Lemon Angel Project. Laters!
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